Thursday 5 June 2008

Not to worry girls, my spider as as big as he gets. He's only interested in eating his type of bugs, and fruit for some odd reason. He's pretty harmless....

Now here in China we have a different magical creatures book, so I'm actually unfamiliar with some of the creatures in the British book. Mind some of them I do know, but I figured since I'm in China I might as well talk about Chinese magical creatures cause they have some pretty decent ones too. Might as well expand our knowledge about them.

Now my spider he's a magical creature known as a banwen zhizhu (striped spider, how original right!?). He gets as big as your thumb nail, doesn't really spin a web as he's a jumper so that's how he catches his prey, he likes fruit so when we're in the dorm make sure you keep your fruit safely wrapped. He'll eat it all, total glutton! If he eats it all, he'll just want more and more and more. Trust me, don't give him fruit, it makes him into a right demanding nutter. A little is fine, but nothing whole! If he does eat lots, we'll just have to treat him like an addict, and go through withdrawl which is how I know he's a demanding little bugger!

He comes from Fujin province in the East of China where lots of tea comes from. He likes tea too, not as a drink, but just to eat. Well I don't know if he likes it as a drink I haven't given it to him that way, I'll have to try that tonight to see what happens.

Now banwen zhizhu are known to be congming (clever), and guidianzi (tricks) which is why I think he likes to jump out at you when you're busy. Totally annoying, and always startles me. I'm sure he can do other tricks if you ignore him for too long, I just haven't found out as of yet. As he is clever, I'm sure we could train him to do something not sure what though, but it is a possibility.

Now I wanted one of these guys for a long time since coming here, but I was a little unsure of how I could domesticate him. Apparently I didn't need to worry too much as he's pretty domesticated already, just watch out for fruit addiction. I'm sure things will pop up where he's concerned, but I think I can manage to cope with finding the solution if a problem arises. So I'm glad I bought him the other week, so far so good! I just have to make sure he stays away from Ghouls as Ghouls eat spiders. I don't think he'd be happy about that.

Now apparently people have been having trouble with their patronus. I haven't had a problem as my loony cousin showed me how to conjure one years ago. I used to have terrible problems with Quintapeds when I was younger as we lived in the Isle of Drear at one point. Why my father was positioned there with his job I'll never know for the simple reason I don't know what he actually does. I gave up asking him cause I was tired of getting business cards that said "Mr. Acadimus Clearwater____________and ___________MMC, Phd of __________."  Apparently me not knowing until I'm older is keeping me safe, safe from what I'm not sure, but that is okay with me. I'm sure someone out there knows what it means, but I did discover that he works for the Ministry of Magic as one day he was talking about Fudge to my step-mother, and I thought he was talking about the sweet, but it never arrived home much to my disappointment when I was about 7.

So my patronus is a pheonix which everyone here in China thinks is amazing as very few people in China can conjure a patronus to begin with let alone a pheonix. Wang Jin is totally jealous! So I hope the professor is satisfied with my patronus, when I get back if he needs a demonstration I can certainly provide one for him.

Just to let you all know I'm out of this school in 2 sleeps, and out of the country in 3. So next time you see me I'll be there on Monday morning for classes! I can't wait to meet everyone.

On a total different note my friend Emma made me something, and it's a secret. Dare I say it's driving me crazy?! I love and hate surprises!

1 comment:

Charlotte kaae said...

LOL funny pet you have scares med to death... :)