Wednesday 28 May 2008

Phew, I'm 3/4 of the way through my exams. Talk about being tried! Dare I say I have achieved all A+? Slowing down time was the best idea I've had yet. Seriously, these people have no idea who they are dealing with.

I've been thinking about this pet situation a lot lately. I want something that can look after itself cause I have a tendency to forget about things after awhile, so I might forget to feed it or something. I always think there is something better coming around the corner so my mind wanders.

So I was on Yaogui Lu and came across Ms. Liu's Dongxi Gelou which is a pet store I guess.  Strange place it was too!  Anyways I decided after about 14 hrs (there was a lot of stuff to look at!) to get a spider. Now I know it isn't on the pet list, but he isn't big at all. No bigger than my thumb nail. He feeds himself, and is quite fun! Now he's not the type to spin webs, he's more of jumper. It's actually quite interesting, he does spin a little web, to catch those things that might go by, but he spends his days just simply walking about, and jumping at things. He's black with some white markings, sort of looks like a zebra.

I've decided to call him Tantiaoli because it means spring, as in to jump. He's a good pet, he comes when I call him, and as far as I can figure out he hasn't gotten into any trouble. I'm wondering if I could train him to attack Wang Jin who hates spiders. That's my next plan after all these exams.


Anonymous said...

I certainly hope he's not going to grow as big as Aragog! *shudder*

I'd normally ask to see a picture, but I'm not sure I'm brave enough to ask to see a pet spider. :D

Glad that you're exams are nearly over, and congrats on all the A+'s!

Quinn said...

Good point Ursula. Um, Lily, how large is Tantiaoli likely to grow? And you're going to keep him in your room, and out of mine... right?

Emma Wigworthy said...

Does he bite? We don't want to be dealing with a rush of spoider bites in the infirmary!

I've nearly finished a handmade item for your kit BTW!