Tuesday 13 May 2008

I really hate being away from everyone normal! The new term is starting there at Hogwarts and here I still am stuck in old China in this crummy excuse for a school. It's not fun I tell you, none at all.

I'm tired of listening to lectures about the Olympics and what we need to do to prepare. I'm tired of listening to the teachers spout on about how their relative x generations ago took part in some dumb broomstick race. To make things worse the stupid Olympic torch is coming down the street in front of the school. Everyone is so excited, except for me. I'm starting to wonder if there is something in the water, the dumplings, or the rice. Seriously people, it's only a stick with fire.

I keep counting down the days that I'll be able to leave, and take place in the Hufflepuff dormitory. I'm a little afraid, I don't know anyone, everyone will all be in their little groups with in jokes and gossip. I'll be the new witch on the pitch again............

On a good note, I'll be away from everyone calling me Li Ma! There was some stupid mix up with registration and my first two letters of both my names were put down rather than either name. So Lily May, turned into Li Ma. See in China,  Li is a family name and pronounce Lee and Ma could stand for horse, mother, or scold, and one other that I always forget. 

Not too bad, teachers call me Li Ma Chinese pronunciation, the students on the other hand call me lima, as in lima bean. It was stupid Wang Jin that started it. I got her back by putting mozhang hanye into her tea, I had to sign a statement not to tell what happened during the following 88 hours. It was funny, at least for me even with the punishment of having to count by hand each kernel of rice in a 10 kg bag. I'd do it again if I was allowed into Mr. Zhao's Wushu Citan Dixiashi, but I'm banned as well as the next 250 generations of my family. There are ways in, such as through Mr. Zhao's son if I do need anything.......

Must dash as my class has to sing a song about the Olympics in front of the school today. Too bad everyone is going to be signing like frogs........minus Wang Jin of course. Who would suspect me if I am inflicted as well? 


Quinn said...

Yay Lily!!! It's so good to hear from you! Not to worry, we are saving you a very comfy bed in the Hufflepuff girl's dormitory. We'll have to have a big welcome to hogwarts party when you arrive, complete with butterbeer of course :)

Glad to hear you're so tricksy, we'll need your skillz when it comes time to beat Slytherin out of the House Cup!

Emma Wigworthy said...

So glad you were able to tell us a little about yourself before starting at Hogwarts Lily.

Quality Chick said...

Lily - can't wait to see you at Hogwarts but I heard there was a bad earthquake in China. I hope your school is safe and that you get to Hogwarts soon all safe and sound! -Emma Kettleburn

Anonymous said...

Can't wait until you get here! I've got a bed all saved for you in my room...if you don't mind the frogs. Us transfers have to stick together!

and I think it is something in the dumplings..because I swear, it's somthing in the hot dogs in the states!