Wednesday 23 December 2009

last clue

Okay, last clue is up. Is it just me or does anyone else not get it? I'm totally hopeless at these things. I can't even begin to figure out what it is.

Sometimes I think outside the box because it is obvious. Most time I like thinking in the box because that makes the most sense. So games like this are beyond me.

Good luck to those that can figure these things out. This is why I don't do the cross word puzzles!

Friday 18 December 2009

Karma and then some

Okay so exams are over (yipeeeeeeeee!), and my brain is still somewhat intact. Well that is a matter of debate for another time.

So finally I can send out my parcel. But of course there is always an issue with me, usually it is can't find the address. Now I'm waiting on the last bit of the kit to arrive cause well it's that time of year and well the owls are really busy. So I'm hoping it arrives tomorrow so I can send this baby off on Monday.

I feel so slow, but hopefully I can fix it by shoving in extra things to make up for the fact I've been really busy this time around. I feel awful you know! And to make matters worse what was supposed to be the item, had to be put aside cause I mistake and I didn't have enough time to fix it, so made something else instead. How is that for karma??

Anyways, fingers crossed for the last bit of stuff to arrive tomorrow!

Friday 11 December 2009

Ahhhhhh! Exams, exams are going to make my brain explode.

Cry with me people, it hurts, but I can't wait for it to be over!!!!

I wishing all my Hogwarts friends a nice week without headaches and sore hand from writing cramps!